Sapphire and Steel
Seasons 3 & 4
The Characters
Season 1
Season 2
Seasons 3 & 4
Season 5
Season 6

2 stories
10 episodes

THE PARTY (6 Episodes)

Lord Arthur Mullrine organises a party to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary since his business partnership began with the late Dr George McDee. During the party, time rolls back fifty years and guests who were not alive at that time are systematically murdered. The late Doctor McDee arrives at the party and Sapphire and Steel realise that the events of the night of his death are beginning to recreate themselves. It transpires that McDee had invented a lethal virus that could destroy all humanity. However, before this could happen he was shot by a jealous lover. Time has occupied the body of the lover and is attempting to arrange events such that McDee survives to accidentally unleash the virus. Sapphire and Steel ensure that he is, indeed, killed by the lover and his body and the virus are consumed in a fire.



Sapphire and Steel arrive at a deserted service station and meet Silver. A couple from 1948 arrive together with an old man from 1925 and a travelling player from 1957. The agents are suspicious as to the lack of interest shown by the couple in the modern trappings of the petrol station and the strange unused condition of the musician's tambourine. The strangers are revealed as Transient Beings, enemies of Sapphire and Steel, who have escaped entombment in the past using a device called a Time Box. They use a Time Box to trap Sapphire, Silver and Steel in the petrol station and the agents find themselves floating through the infinity of space: trapped forever.


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