Sapphire and Steel
Season 5
The Characters
Season 1
Season 2
Seasons 3 & 4
Season 5
Season 6

5 stories
16 episodes

THE PASSENGER (4 Episodes)

A dark Winter's evening in the year 2004. Sixty-six year-old steam enthusiast and antiquarian book dealer Philip Burgess steps onto his long overdue train, unaware that Time has decreed that this will be his final journey.  An old book has given Time the trigger it needs to break its chains. As reality and fiction become intertwined, a familiar story begins to play itself out. A story that can only end in murder.  A 1930s steam train. Twelve passengers with ulterior motives. A mysterious conductor. One victim. And two detectives…  Sapphire and Steel must uncover the secrets in Burgess's past, before the story can reach its terminus. But how can they succeed, when Time has made them a part of its plans already?


DAISY CHAIN (4 Episodes)

Suburbia, 2004. And it looks like rain.  Sapphire and Steel are drawn to a house apparently much like any other on the street, except that this one, and the family living in it, harbour a secret that threatens to destroy them all.


ALL FALL DOWN (4 Episodes)

London, a late summer morning.  The present. Sapphire and Steel investigate an area of the city that is steeped in a rich and bloody history. Artifacts are uncovered that form a dangerous link with the past.



A lighthouse in the middle of a thunderstorm.  Newly weds Nick and Suzy are planning to renovate the lighthouse. But the old building is haunted by an horrific past.



When Sapphire and Steel arrive at Blackledge Prison, an unexplained death proves to hold the first of an intriguing series of inconsistencies. What has happened to Time?


In late May 2004, Big Finish Productions announced that they had secured the rights to produce a new series of Sapphire & Steel audio adventures for release on CD. However, neither McCallum nor Lumley are reprising their roles: McCallum is working in the United States and Lumley declined to play Sapphire again. The characters are played by Susannah Harker and David Warner. It was originally rumoured that the new stories would be set before the climactic final story of the television series, but the released plays are set after Adventure 6, with no explanation as to how they escaped. However, at the start of The Passenger, the characters comment that it has been a long time since they last worked together.
The character of Gold (voiced by Mark Gatiss) appears in the first adventure, The Passenger by Steve Lyons. David Collings will reprise his role as Silver in the third and fifth stories of the first series of audio plays.

all irregularities will be handled by the forces controlling each dimension...